
Account FAQs (3)

Commonly asked questions about how to manage your account, change settings, pay bills, etc.

Authorize.net (6)

Information about the popular, online transaction processing gateway.

Glossary (7)

Definitions for those techno-babble words we all love to hate.

Joomla! (31)

All about the popular Content Managment System

Journal Theme (2)

OpenCart Journal Theme

Payment Problems (1)

Are you having problems getting your credit card accepted?

SSL Certificates (10)

Information about the bewildering universe of security certificates.

Web Server FAQs (29)

Commonly asked questions about our web servers.

WordPress (2)

All about the popular Blog Engine

X-Cart (20)

Commonly asked questions and answers relating to the X-Cart shopping cart system.


 How do I find what version of X-Cart my site is using?

To find the X-Cart version#, type the following address in to your browser's URL window....

 K2 and captcha problems

I figured out what the issue was in my case and maybe for several other too ... There are...

 I want to learn more. How do I find other resources?

Following are links to Web sites you can use to learn more about the software applications and...

 What is my Payment Gateway ID?

Your Payment Gateway ID is a number, currently six digits or less in length, that uniquely...

 Automatically check I accept the "Terms & Conditions"

Update file:/skin/common_files/modules/One_Page_Checkout/opc_summary.tpl Change  <div...