In an effort to better support you and further enhance our growing infrastructure, on Saturday January 22nd, we will be making critical updates to the power distribution of our Sterling, Virginia datacenter. During this time, all services in the datacenter will be required to be shut down including any web sites hosted in our Sterlin, Virginia datacenter.

Beginning at 10:00 PM Eastern time on Saturday January 22nd through 6:00 AM on Sunday January 23rd, we will be replacing and improving key power distribution elements and enhancing our power distribution backbone for future growth. We do not anticipate this service interruption to go beyond the outlined maintenance window. During this time, you will not have access to your web services. Please note, we have taken all of the necessary precautions to minimize this interruption as much as possible for you and your business. However, this maintenance is vital to ensure a robust infrastructure on which we host your services.

If you have any questions please contact

Monday, January 17, 2011

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