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HackAlert Malware Monitoring

Free HackAlert Included With GlobalSign SSL Certificates

HackAlert is a cloud-based Web malware monitoring and detection service that protects and immediately notifies you if your website is infected with malicious code. Such malicious code can be used by hackers to target your end-users' Personal Computers with Drive-by Downloads. The HackAlert service, powered by GlobalSign's strategic partner, Armorize Technologies, identifies drive-by downloads and provides alarms for "zero-day" malware threats that may be hidden in your website without your knowledge, thus protecting you and your customers from the damaging effects of malware. Basic HackAlert service is provide free to all clients who purchase a GlobalSign SSL certificate through Pictor Design.

hackalert-interfacesHackAlert is delivered as a hosted Software Service (SaaS). This means you don't have to install and maintain yet another security program. And you don't have to worry about frequent security updates as with traditional software since all updates are handled automatically. The HackAlert service is provided instantly and automatically simply through the application of a GlobalSign SSL security certificate to your website.

Basic monitoring plans are included with all GlobalSign SSL certificates purchased through Pictor Design. Enterprise level and customized plans are also available to suite the individual needs of your company, contact us to learn more today by submitting a Pre-Sales Support Ticket. A Pictor Design representative will respond with detailed answers to your specific questions.

Why being alerted of a site compromise is important!

Hackers use and develop malicious software known as malware to compromise PCs, spread viruses, hijack computers or steal personal information by injecting malicious code into vulnerable websites thus causing the infected websites to distribute malware to their visitors.

malware-cycleMalware distribution (viruses, Trojans, spyware etc) has become an important issue for website owners, as drive-by-download attacks are on the rise and malware distribution techniques are becoming increasingly effective. Web malware (Drive-by downloads) is reaching epidemic proportions with serious effects for website owners as well as end-users. Malware on the victim’s PC is often designed to steal personal data or turn the machine into a member of a “zombie” army to be rented out in distributed denial of service (DDOS) attacks. The building of networks of "zombie" computers provides incredible power to hackers on the Internet, as the recent Wikileaks story has shown where an anonymous group of hackers carried out successful attacks on the VISA, Mastercard, and the Swiss Postbank networks in retaliation to their refusal to continue servicing the Wikileaks foundation.

Perhaps more importantly for website owners, Google now blacklists websites they deem to be infected. Most website owners are unaware of the infection until Google publicly posts a warning message embedded in its search results that the web site “may harm your computer”. This flagging can drastically drive down traffic to your website and harm your reputation. Even though you are an inocent victim of such an infection, the reputation of your site and company can be irreparably damaged, since even after the malware is removed from your website, the site will stay flagged by search engines for a significant period of time. The cost to win back customer confidence in such a case will be high.

Learn more about this issue by watching the following video from the makers of HackAlert. This video explains how HackAlert protects you and your site's visitors from malware.


Features of HackAlert

  • Identifies drive-by downloads and zero-day malware threats hidden in your website and online advertisements
  • Uses multiple analysis techniques to detect malware drive-by downloads targeting your end-users before your website is flagged by search engines as malicious
  • Protects your clients and customers from malware injection and malicious advertising (malvertising)
  • Deploys globally distributed crawler and analyzer agents for non-intrusive 24x7x365 drive-by download monitoring
  • Identifies active malware downloads as well as links to dormant malware before your website is flagged by search engines such as Google
  • Displays injected code snippets to facilitate immediate malware removal and code-level remediation
  • Reports injected page, malware source, browser vulnerability being exploited and drive-by download destination

if your site is already protected by a GlobalSign SSL security certificate from Pictor Design, please submit a support ticket to add the bennefits of HackAlert scanning to your site. If you already have a GlobalSign SSL certificate installed on your site, we strongly reccomend you use it to secure all the pages on your site, even including those pages that aren't involved in gathering and/or displaying sensitive information. If your site does not have a GlobalSign SSL certificate because you were told that since you are not selling products or processing credit cards, you don't need one, we strongly reccomend you reconsider purchasing and installing at least the most basic "Domain SSL" certificate. Using SSL to secure your pages that request readers submit information such as login and newsletter subscription forms will help ensure hackers don't compromise your readers information. The additional protection of HackAlert scanning will help ensure such important pages of your web site aren't used by hackers to distribute their malicious software to your readers' computers.

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All GlobalSign SSL certificates issued after March 7, 2011 automatically include basic HackAlert scanning at no extra charge. If you have a GlobalSign SSL Certificate issued prior to March 7, 2011 which doesn't include HackAlert scanning installed on your web site, please submit a techincal support ticket requesting activation of HackAlert. We will respond with specific instructions for your particular situation. Remember you must login to your client area before you can submit support tickets.